Friday, November 30, 2012

Recommendations for the Insane! - Beginners guide to Insanity

We've all seen the infomercials saying "Get the body of your dreams in just 60 days!" "Dig deeper yall!" but for some of us it says "I'm getting my knee replaced after just 60 days!".

Insanity is not a workout for the light hearted or for the weak hearted. When you buy the Insanity workouts they have many warnings telling you exactly what i'm telling you right now. Still people tend to move from their regular routine of 4 hours of couch sitting a day to starting a program that is meant for those who already have a workout history. This is where I come in.

My first goal is to give you few guidelines that will help you get from the couch to Insanity. Ask your self a few of these questions before starting up Insanity.

- Have I been on a regular workout program for at least 3-6 months? 

- Can I run a mile in 12 or less minutes? 

- Can I jump off both feet at the same time and land on a step? 

- Can I lift my knee so that it is level with my hip?

- Can you do 15 push ups with proper form?

If you answered no to any of these questions then you should just give up.

NO NO NO NO I'm just joking with you!! Don't give up! That's the whole point of this post silly. 

I would suggest being able to do these things before starting Insanity but if you still insist on going for it then lets talk about some ways to make it work for you.

First rule LISTEN TO YOUR OWN BODY! Chances are it's telling you something important. There is a difference between pushing yourself and killing yourself (literally).

Wear a heart rate monitor. Shawn T of course tells you to do this as well. If you can't afford a heart rate monitor (check amazon - they have great deals) then feel your heart rate, watch the clock for ten seconds and count the number of beats in that time frame. Multiply that by ten and boom you have your heart rate. If you have worked out for many years you probably have a good idea where your heart rate is just by how you feel.

When Shawn gives you a break to recover it's important that your heart rate recovers all the way. If you're new to the program this means you take as much time as you need. That could be 1 minute or 10 minutes. Let me say this again, take as much time as you need!

All of this is pretty basic and pretty much applies to any workout program. On Recommendations for the Insane part two we'll talk about alternative exercises, especially for those who have knee or back problems.

Friday, November 9, 2012


It's been an entire year since I last posted on this blog! After 2 moves,  2 different job changes, a life of h@$% living in a mortuary (that's a story for another time), having a baby, adjusting to mommy-hood  and my own weight loss journey....I'm back!

After becoming a fitness professional, which is just a big fancy way of saying personal trainer, my sister gave me the recommendation of getting fat. I guess since I've never really had to lose a lot of weight myself she thought it would be good for me to actually know what my clients have to go through. Well she got her wish. Throughout my pregnancy I gained a total of 50 lbs, something I swore would not happen. During my seventh month of pregnancy I was placed on partial bed rest due to high blood pressure and BOOM I gained weight. After having my beautiful baby girl I dropped 20 lbs almost immediately, leaving me 30 more pounds left to work off.

Since starting to work out 5 months ago I have lost 22lbs and I'm here to tell you that all I did was all you're supposed to do! Work out, eat less.

 + calories out - calories in = weight loss!

Now I'm not saying it has been easy or fun in the least. All I'm saying is that it is possible. VERY POSSIBLE! Weight loss isn't a race, it's a journey! Journeys don't happen over night, or in a week, or in a month. Weight loss is about making habits that change you for the rest of your life. If you have 100 pounds to lose, or 200 pounds to lose, you can bet it is going to take a lot longer than 5 months but  promise it will happen.

For anyone  whocares here is the exercise path I took to get where I am today. I started off slow with walking for about 4 weeks, next I did a run-walk, then I did more running than walking. After getting my cardio back to a normal level I started strength training on the TRX because you can easily control how hard or how easy the intensity is. After about 6 weeks of working out on the TRX I started doing weights and interval training. After about 3 and a half months I decided to join the insane and try INSANITY! Insanity's name fits the workout but I will say this, it does work. Maybe not to the degree that they show you on the infomercials but I would say that is how I lost the majority of my weight. Currently I am training for a half marathon which will take place in March (my first ever!).

I still have about 10 more pounds to lose, which I would like to do with you guys! Stay tuned for more to come on that!

I guess all I wanted you to get from this post is that I'M BACK!  and that weight loss is POSSIBLE!!!

 My next post will be "Recommendations for the Insane!" -a beginners guide to the popular workout known as Insanity

Be safe, be happy!