Thursday, June 13, 2013

Day 60 of the 60 day challenge!!! (it's finally here!)

I haven't been posting recently because I've been taking a break physically which I think is exactly what my body needed! I dropped another 1.5 lbs and .5% in body fat just over the last week and a half. I am a perfect example of Over Training. I stopped seeing results so I worked harder when in fact that was my queue to slow it down. My body was yelling at me "dude! I'm tired and I can't keep up so I'm just going to shut down". Taking a week break gave my body time to recover completely and get back with the program.

Since I'm going on a cruise tomorrow and have honestly no time to get everything done that needs to be done my "Final Picture" is a little lame. It's your classic- take a picture of yourself flexing in the bathroom mirror. 

Here is the moment, that really maybe no one has been waiting for besides final stats and picture!

Weight: 123 lbs 
Body Fat %: 18.5

Chest: 33 inches
Waist: 29 1/2 inches
Hips: 36 inches 

So I actually only lost 1 lb from my original weigh in but I've lost 1.5 % body fat! The cool thing about those numbers is it shows that what you weigh doesn't matter! I was still getting healthier and stronger even though the scale wasn't moving. Since entering into the health and fitness industry, I have never been lower than 20% body fat! It's true though that my body looks very different after having a baby even though I'm more healthy now.

2.5 inches of my Chest (this could be due to the fact I'm not breast feeding anymore)
2 inches of my waist!
0 inches of my hips. 

The pants I'm wearing in the picture are pants that I have not been able to fit into since before getting married! It's a really great feeling to be back into them again.

How do I feel?! AMAZING! I have lots of energy, I feel strong, and the most important thing is that I like the way I look!  What is that main thing I want you to get from all this?! You have the ability to reach your goals WITHOUT fad dieting, buying expensive weight loss supplements, or spending hours and hours and hours at the gym! All it takes is a well designed training program, support, someone to report to, and some nutrition basics and advice.

Please ask me questions! Leave comments! Interested in some training? Need tips? Would anyone local be interested in free group boot camp classes this summer?

Tune in for my After Cruise Check up! We'll see how much damage is done on a week long vacation of all you can eat food.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

City of Rocks + Over Training

First off, some pictures and recap of my trip to City of Rocks this last weekend. 
To make it quick I though I would list off some of the best and and not so great parts of the weekend since those are usually the most memorable.

-Family! Everyone from my family was there besides one of my bros and his family.  A lot of people are often surprised how close my family is to each other. Lets face it, they are my my only friends I have these days. 

-Being out in the beautiful high altitude desert of Idaho. Typically I don't think of Idaho and say "oh ya it's so pretty there" (apart from the Tetons) but this trip was absolutely gorgeous and the weather was amazing as well.

-I left my makeup and nice clothes at home. I promised myself that I would not care AT ALL about what I looked like. It was amazing. 

-Top climbing a 5.10 b. I seriously roped in thinking dude there is no way im climbing this whole thing but lets just get up like 10 feet. I got to 10 feet and said lets go 20. This continued till I made it to the top. My heart was pumping crazy fast the entire time and my adrenaline running but that is the best part about climbing. 

-Lead climbing Too Much Fun. I've lead climbed harder climbs than this but this one was particularly amazing to me. At one point I started to lose my grip, like seriously lose it! I was about 5 feet up from my last bolt which meant that if I fell I would fall at least 10 feet before being caught. I was really scared that I was actually going to fall which I have never done while lead climbing. I remember having enough time to tell my self to calm down and just keep holding on a second longer. The good new is that I didn't fall and it was amazing to make it through knowing that I had accomplished something like that.

-I had the guts to climb in just my sports bra. I've totally always wanted to do it so I did and it was fun. Silly, I know, but its true.

-Getting a $90 speeding ticket on our way up.

-Having some of the worst head ache through out the trip. + Nausea.

-Family. There were a lot of us which means I did 2 climbs in 2 days. That's how it goes though. :)

I love my dad's "Rock Climbing Clothes"

I think I'll cherish this picture for a long time. Those hands are so familiar to me.

When I first started my 60 day challenge I told myself over and over again to not over train. I told myself this again and again through out the weeks and yet here I am, over trained. I don't think I'm terrible right now but if I don't keep my workouts under control then I could be in big trouble. I'm tired ALL THE TIME, huge lack of motivation, got sick last week, difficultly sleeping this weekend.
I honestly don't think the duration or the frequency of my workout schedule is a problem but I push myself to the limit every time. Every second of  every bike ride I feel like my legs might give out or maybe even just pop right out of the hip socket and I'll see them laying on the ground behind me. I push myself to failure every time.
SOOOOO yesterday I took the day off and I also ate a big fat peanut butter bar and it was awesome! I don't feel bad about it and I don't feel like either hindered my progress but rather helped.

Today I went for a 30 minute easy ride.