Monday, September 19, 2011

Who, What, When, Where, How?

Who:Hello! I'm Laura Titensor. I'm a gall who has a passion for wellness, fun, and adventure! I'm a Fitness Professional (aka a personal trainer), a TRX instructor, and a Zumba instructor.

What: I've created this blog as a tool to family, friends, colleges, strangers, and everyone who wants to improve their "wellness". I like to use the word Wellness because if i were to use the word fitness we would be ruling out any mental aspect of our bodies health.

Wellness is consdidered to be an active process of becoming aware of and learning to make choices (healthy choices) that lead toward a longer and more successful existence.

I don't know exactly what this blog will be, maybe exercise ideas, recipes, interesting goal is to simply be a source, to spread the word, to influence, and to educate.

When: ALL THE TIME! Your wellness, your health, your happiness is a constant on going Action.

Action is an act that one consciously
wills and that may be characterized
by a physical or mental activity.

Where: Anywhere and Everywhere

How: I will work as hard as I can to supply reliable, up to date, information for you here. Your homework is to try it out. Tell me if it works, what doesn't work, something different that worked for you. I want to know YOUR SUCCESS STORY, your struggles, your goals, and your passions.

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