Thursday, May 2, 2013

Day 43 - TRX Upper Body Workout

My adorable hubby had a SAR (Search and Rescue, but it's cooler to say Sarrrrr like a pirate) meeting this evening, which means he couldn't watch the babe, which means I couldn't go to the gym. So my upper body workout was done in my apartment on my TRX. 
If I didn't mention before, since i'm doing so much biking I count my biking as lower body.
Just for fun I took some pictures and yes I do feel a little silly about it, thanks for asking, but I thought it might keep things interesting. I thought of doing a video but it's a little hard without a tripod. I couldn't get the camera far enough away so you kept getting awesome booty shots. 

I think I did pretty good for two of my meals being out of the house.

WORKOUT (Or is it work out? Someone be a pal and help me out here.)

Chest Press

Low Row



"Y" (shoulders)
Can you tell that one of my shoulders is more elevated and I can't straighten  my arm all the way? Has to do with  my  slight Scoliosis which has made all the muscles on the right side of my back over develop which tweaks everything. 

High Row

"T" (Shoulders)

(4 more not pictured)
15 reps each, 3 sets.

Have I told you that TRX is AWESOME?! Oh I have? Okay then. Well just in case you didn't get the picture, TRX IS SO AWESOME!

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