Monday, May 13, 2013

Spokes for Hope

Spokes for Hope was both Rachel and mine first bike race ever! Our sister in-law Danae had signed up with us but was feeling ill the morning of the race and didn't end up making it. 

Race start time: 8:00 AM
Rachel and I before the race.
 The whole environment and feel of the race was really chill which I was glad for since it would have been much more intimidating if everyone was really serious about it. + it was a Women's only race.

We were escorted over the first overpass by police but after that we were on our own.

Since Rachel signed up for the 30 miles (really 32 miles) and I signed up for the 50 miles (really 56 miles) we only spent the first 20 miles together.

We reached pit stop #1 (18 miles) around 1:15:00 so we where making pretty good time. This was by far my favorite part of the race.  The route took us out to the new Airport in St George so it was mostly just us and the beautiful red rocks of Southern Utah. 

After Rachel and I separated from each other, I headed back into town and didn't see another rider for 20 miles. The only indication that I was still participating in a race was the occasional sign with an arrow pointing me in the right direction. 

I was feeling good until mile 40 where I had to climb a huge hill, not only once, but twice. After that I got a pounding head ache and every bump in the road meant pain. After getting lost twice, and no luck on getting my headache to subside my moral really started to drop. There was no one there to say "We can do this! We only have 5 more miles".

I cried, well not really because I was so dehydrated that I couldn't form any tears. The last 5 miles all I told myself is that I was never going to do this again. Although the second I saw the finishing line all those feelings went away and I was the happiest person in the world!

Looking back- I can now realize I was getting severely dehydrated, hence the head ache and lack of tears. I needed to take more stops than just the 2 provided and make sure I was drinking enough water. I only had about 4 water bottles full in the 4 hours I was riding in 90' weather. 
I also won't be doing it alone. I am a social person. I thrive on the energies of the people around me and positive reinforcement. Not to mention the fact that you can get a break by drafting off the people you are with. 

Despite all the negativity I felt during the last 10 miles of the race, you can ask me if I would do it again and I would reply with a "HECK YA"!

 My average pace was 13 mph which really is quite terrible but I'll take it!

Rachel finished her 30 miles in a little over 2 hours which is fantastic!! She said she would definitely do it again.

Best Parts:
-Making most of my passes on hills. I didn't realise I was a good hill climber until this race.
-Laughing with Rachel
-Knowing that I can do anything I set my mind to.
-Seeing the finish line.
-Andrew and my in-laws being there at the finish line.
-Eating lots and lots of food after.
-Jumping into the swimming pool when we got back to the house.
-My HR watch said I burned a little over 2500 calories during the race.

1 comment:

  1. laura this is awesome! inspiring! honestly, i'm not joking. i think i could do bike races much easier (not that it'd be easy, i'd have to train like crazy) than running races. my knees just can't do the running, but bikes, i think i might be able to do. way to go!!
