Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Days 25, 24, 23, & 22

Friday: Rest Day

Saturday: Body Combat. Have I mentioned how much I love this class? Any stress of the day or the week just flies out the window. This. Class. Is. Amazing!

Sunday: A much needed rest day. After Saturday's class Andrew and I went to the Zoo and I was exhausted! Climbing up the small hills they have there totally wiped me out and every time I would squat down to check on Denali and stand back up I would get really light headed. This all made me nervous that I'm over training so I really needed this rest day.

Monday: 20 minutes of core on the TRX. 1 hour hike. 1 really, REALLY tough climbing rout. Seriously I almost peed my pants.  On the hike out from where we were climbing Andrew slipped and gashed his leg open on a sharp rock. I was actually hiking ahead and didn't even know it happened till we got home and Andrew finally told me. I could tell it was deep but since it was so bloody I didn't realize how bad it was. I told him the hop in the shower and we would see what needed to be done after. After he showered I told one look at it, put some gauze on it, wrapped it up, and took him to get stitches.  So we spent the evening at Instacare. It was pretty gnarly, you could see tendons and all sorts of stuff.

Forgot to take a before picture! What was I thinking?

Yesterday I had Andrew take pictures of me so I could personally get motivated by any improvement, or maybe a lack of improvement. I'm sure you can guess that the improvement isn't great by the lack of posted pictures. I honestly could see only the tiniest of changes. Talk about discouraging. I feel tough and buff but it's definitely not showing. Want to know why? DIET! I've really gone off the deep end now that I don't have an app tracking my calories. I've got 3 weeks until I leave on my cruise. Still I don't believe that you have to go on a crazy diet to lose weight but lets see what a little food management can do for me in 3 weeks.

What did yall do for the holiday weekend? Hopefully there were no trips to Instacare or worse! 

Stay classy.

Laura out.

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