Thursday, April 25, 2013

Day 51 - Hill Ride

 Yet again another bad day on my diet. I just can seem to stay away from those Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs. It doesn't help that I bought an entire package just for my family, my mother in-law gave me an entire package, and my mom gave me some in my Easter basket as well.
Today I have a little zip lock bag with a few treats in it that I can eat today at any time. We'll see if this method works.
My second mistake was a Costco Muffin that I helped Denali eat for lunch. I didn't know until this morning that they are around 640 calories each! Makes me think of my favorite comedian Jim Gaffigan talking about how muffins are just a cup cake with out frosting or the mini-muffins.

Have you seen the mini-muffins? How much denial are we in when we’re eating mini-muffins?… ‘Oh I’m just gonna have like one…or twelve…So small, they don’t really count. They’re like muffin vitamins. When I eat ‘em, I feel like an astronaut!’ ”

Someone from Bountiful might appreciate my ride yesterday. I only had a short amount of time so I decided to do a hill climbing ride. My original thought was Victory Road in SLC but it was right at rush hour and I decided that I didn't need to put myself in that much danger. 

My Rout:
-Down Highway 89
-Up Eagle Ridge Dr
-North along Bountiful Blvd 
-Down Eagle Wood something road
-Back home

Total time = 40 Minutes

I have to admit that I had to ride into every other side street to give my legs and heart a break. I sincerely thought my lungs were going to pop like an over filled balloon from the strain. My plan was just to go up as far as I could. I got up 1/4 of the way and was dying but thought to myself just get half way. At 1/2 way I was dying but told myself I could make it 3/4 of the way. At 3/4 I was dying but I was SO close to the top that I couldn't stop there. 
The ride down was rewarding although my hands threatened to give out and I'm sure I took off half the life of my breaks. 
After I totally turfed it a month ago while riding over some train tracks I don't go nearly as fast down hills as I used to. The thought of asphalt embedding into my skin keeps me at bay. 

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