Saturday, April 13, 2013

Day 62

Today was a bit of a doozy as far as "eating healthy" goes. My excused include--it's the first day and it's the weekend. :) My family went out to dinner for my sister and sister in-laws birthdays to the Cheese Cake Factory. I had my mind set on following the rules I set for clients when eating out and I did okay.

Rules I followed:
-I didn't have any of the bread they bring out for you to eat while you wait to consume your 1600 calorie meal.
-Just water NO SODA
-I shared my dinner with Andrew, my fabulous husband, so I ate a little less than half of the portion they give you. A good rule is to split your meal in half and ask for a doggy bag first thing-unless your husband is your doggy bag. 

Rules I didn't do so good on:
-I ate dessert and I lot of it which I actually forgot to log on myfitnesspal so these numbers are a little wrong.
-I kept eating way past my "I'm full" mark even though I only ate half the portion they give you.

Over all I actually feel good about my eating choices today. I was at my mom's for the better portion of the day where there is pretty much an endless supply of cookies which I didn't eat a single one. As well I cut back on my unnecessary snacking through out the day which can add up quickly.

As for exercise, I went on a 27  mile bike ride with my dad, brother, and hubby. This is my first ride of this length for the season and I'm not going to pretend that it was easy. The entire way out was against the wind with a little bit of rain and I did not have a happy attitude. Finally on the way back (which by the way the wind changed directions and we headed into it the entire way back too) I decided that I actually wanted to enjoy my ride and changed my attitude. It was hard but I had an absolute blast. I'm nervous for next week which should be a 35-40 mile ride (half century race in 4 weeks from today).

The battery on my heart rate monitor was dead so I couldn't get an accurate account of calories burned on my ride but according to myfitnesspal it was around 1100 which makes up for eating at the Cheese Cake Factory. 

**Don't expect this much detail in each post.
**Fun fact - Had I eaten the dish from The Cheese Cake Factory by myself  + the cheese cake we ordered I would have consumed 2,020 Calories. + bread + a salad + a soda...

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