Friday, April 12, 2013

60ish Day Challenge

Alright y'all, I officially have 63 days until my cruise in June which makes it a little over 2 months. I decided that I want to do my own personal challenge. I'm okay with how my body looks right now, at least I was until I took some "Before" pictures, but I'd like to take it to the next step. My main goal is to do it just how I would tell a client to do it. This means:

-I'm not aloud to spend crazy, impossible hours at the gym.
-I have to eat a diet that I could maintain for the rest of my life (no quick weight loss fad diets).
-I'll be following the NASM guidelines that I would train my own clients with.

I'll be doing a "try to loose as much fat as possible in 2 weeks" phase and then do a Hypertrophy (muscle gain or "bulking up") phase for the last 6 weeks. Keep in mind that I have already been doing months of endurance and strength training. I wouldn't just jump into a major Hypertrophy work out right at the beginning.

Keep checking back EVERYDAY, yes I said EVERYDAY for my diet/calorie log and exercise log. Posting everyday will probably be the hardest part of this challenge for me.

What are my goals?!

-To prove that you don't have to spend a lot of money or an absurd amount of time to get the body you want.
-Eating healthy isn't impossible---you can even have a treat everyday! 

**My official log will start tomorrow, I promised myself I would take a week off to allow myself time to get over a nasty cold.
**I will as well be training for a half century and full century during all of this so if you are thinking to yourself that there is no way you're going to go for a 50+ mile bike ride, don't worry you don't need to. :)
**I'm not going to look like a freaking body builder or anything in two months...or ever really. I'm trying to achieve some results that every mom could be more than okay with. 

OH my goodness, oh my goodness I can't believe i'm about to do this! I can't believe I'm actually putting up nasty sauce pictures of myself on the internet. Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! Here goes nothing.

(hoping for some awesome AFTER pictures to redeem these)

Bonus points to who ever can find my musculoskeletal imbalances (there's a really big one, hint, take a look at my pant line).
I even folded down my pants so you could see the love handles in all their glory.
Take a look at my awful posture- and that sexy profile of my nose.
What exactly is going on with my hair? It can't decide to flip in or out.
Old lady bra.
The picture of my back kinda makes me want to cry.
Why am I bashing myself? Probably so there is nothing left for you guys to criticize, but feel free!! Bring on the comments good or bad.


  1. hm... nice scoliosis! :) Never really noticed as much as I have here. And WTF! where's your stretch marks? I got totally jipped in the skin department.

  2. ash we were just talking about your amazing skin the other night at mary's.....duh.

    and laura! i think you look pretty great for having a bebe. and also, i'm fairly certain my love handles are even larger than yours. i freaking hate love handles. they'll be the death of me.

  3. You look gorgeous. Remember the old saying, "youth is totally wasted on the young", you've got nothing, nothing to complain about! :) I could use some ideas on how to tone up my arms! They are falling apart! No gym, something I could do at home. Any thing come to mind?

    1. There are tons and tons of things you could do in your own home to tone up! I'll write you a message when I get a second on FB

  4. Dude--your "before" picture looks better than my "after," ha ha. Excited to read your posts!
